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1000 hard core, born again, spirit filled fearless prayer warriors, sold out for the call of God on their lives, each one operating at 100% of their capacity in the Lord.


After several prayer meetings and supernatural signs from God it became apparent that a team needed to be assembled and a building secured. We moved into our location in Elma Washington at 215 N. 3rd street and started meeting together on Sunday mornings for services. The vision of the ministry is to establish night and day prayer leading to the transformation of our community. We have been faithful to the vision from the beginning and have been doing what God has called us to do-Pray!


We, as a House of Prayer in our community, keep a community focus and make outreach to the community and other churches a top priority. We have learned that when we encounter Jesus the things that are on His heart become the things on our heart. 


We, as a House of Prayer in our community, keep a community focus and make outreach to the community and other churches a top priority. We have learned that when we encounter Jesus the things that are on His heart become the things on our heart. 


215 N 3rd 

Elma Wa 98541




© 2020 Northwest Life Center

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